Deadman Humour: Thirteen Fears of a Clown
In a world of shadows, joyful colours are an act of heroism.
Modern tales are filled with clowns who invoke fear not laughter: painted grins covering fanged maws; baggy costumes concealing unspeakable horrors; malevolent parodies of nature.
But the tools of a clown work for good as well as ill: only a trickster could tweak a monster’s nose; make-up is war paint for the modern age; the devil cannot tempt a happy soul.
What if, instead of being the demons of urban legend, clowns were the victims or the heroes of the story?
An entertainer discovers his latest booking is filled with clowns but no children.
A group of ageing clowns seek their Priest-King before the divine is lost from the world forever.
Yorrick’s apprentice shares the truth behind the death of Shakespeare’s most famous clown.
And ten more stories of clowns facing the supernatural.