Magical Healing: A Health Survival Guide for Occultists, Pagans, Healers and Witches
Paperback workbook edition with extra wide margins for notetaking. Written by one of the world’s leading adepts, Magical Healing is a ‘must have’ survival guide for magicians, witches, occultists, healers, tarot readers, and anyone else who delves into the strange and challenging world of magic, beings, energies, and power. Such adventures bring with them impacts that can directly affect the health and wellbeing of the mind and body—a heavily overlooked aspect of the world of magic and divination.
Magical Healing guides the reader through the complexities of how to maintain a healthy mind and body while exploring the depths of magic, divination and healing. It explains how energies can affect our health and what to do about it, and how to use divination as a method of keeping a check on your own energetic health. Magical techniques of visionary healing are included, along with approaches to self-healing and maintenance, plus alternative therapies, and how to stay clean and protected.
Magical Healing is presented in a large workbook format which gives space for margin note taking.