OneDice Abney Park s Airship Pirates (CW005005)
Quick and easy rules for steampunk roleplaying in the world of Abney Park With a crew of drunken pilots We're the only airship pirates We're full of hot air and we're starting to rise We're the terror of the skies but a danger to ourselves. OneDice Abney Park's Airship Pirates is a game of swashbuckling adventure set in 2150, following the Great Apocalypse of 1906. From the steampunk sky-cities of Isla Aether and High Tortuga come the airship pirates! Below lie beast-haunted wastelands, criss-crossed by the tracks of the freedom-loving Neobedouins. In the walled, fog-shrouded cities, people huddle in forced Victorian squalor, lorded over by the upper classes, while the Emperor's clockwork policemen prowl the streets... The OneDice system is easy to pick up and play. Everything you need to play (except for pencils, paper, and an ordinary six-sided dice) is in this book. Lavishly illustrated in full colour by steampunk artists MANDEM, Phantoms Siren and Robert Brown. Suitable for ages 12+