In Love With Supervision: Creating transformative conversations
Robin and Joan Shohet are pioneers in supervision training for the helping professions. Much more than a manual, this book embodies the heart, soul, spirit and values of their training courses - a golden treasury of insight, wisdom and practical techniques. Its detailed descriptions of their courses apply directly to the work of the helping professions and the therapeutic relationship; what they say apply also to how we all negotiate relationships in our work and our lives. The book opens with the '23 principles' that form the basis of their beliefs about the role and function of supervision. It goes on to describe in detail five of the courses they have been running for some 40 years. These are vivid scripts taken directly from course recordings, bringing to life the interactions, exchanges and relationships played out in the training process. Here we have the Core Course, the Seven-Eyed Model, the Group Supervision Course, the Advanced Course, and the one-day workshop Fear and Love in Supervision. The book ends with a bank of resources drawn from Robin's published writings over the years. These are bold, brave, sometimes raw and always deeply honest accounts of the Shohets' inspirational supervision training - each accompanied by one of Joan's cake recipes.