The Creative Gift, Dürer, Dada and Desolation Row, PB (vol3) (The Complete Works of Hans Rookmaaker)
Art and Entertainment; The Creative Gift; Articles on history, faith and culture, lifestyle, scholarship, and the Westminster discussions
Through his early work, Art and Entertainment (1962), made available in English for the first time in this volume, and through The Creative Gift, a collection of essays put together shortly before his death in 1977, Rookmaaker speaks with a clear voice of expertise, faith and wisdom as he shepherds the reader through the bewildering jungle of art and popular culture. As a cultural analyst Rookmaaker anticipated the postmodern erasure of the split between high and low culture and pointed out guidelines for a meaningful involvement in both. The additional articles and discussions in this volume address the Christian calling to engage in a fruitful and wise way in the culture of the present day - focusing especially on the media, science and art history.