Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Classical Music: But Were Too Afraid to Ask
For readers who are unsure of the difference between an alto and a contralto, wonder exactly when to applaud at a concert, or aren't even sure what music they should be listening to in the first place, this is the perfect guide
All too often, potential classical music listeners are put off due to its perceived elitism. This book gleefully dispels this notion and many others as it works brilliantly to make classical music not only accessible, but also disarmingly simple and utterly engrossing. It is broken into three sections designed to steer readers through the terminology and etiquette of classical music; open the fascinating history of the genre and its key figures over the last thousand years, showing their sheer brilliance coupled with their very human natures; and provide an indispensible reference guide for any reader, whether they prefer traditional chamber music or sweeping film scores.