The Gnostic 2: A Journal of Gnosticism, Western Esotericism and Spirituality: Philip K Dick and Colin Wilson Special Issue
The second issue of The Gnostic: A Journal of Gnosticism, Western Esotericism and Spirituality. Featuring an interview with Colin Wilson and an in depth examination of his ideas on the occult. An interview with Tessa Dick, widow of Philip K Dick, plus an excerpt from her memoir and Anthony Peake's analysis of Dick's precognitive abilities. An interview with noted scholar April DeConick on the Gospel of John. The Gnosticism of the TV series The Prisoner. Kimetikos, Jeremy Puma's Gnostic practice. Tony Blake's meetings with remarkable people including J.G. Bennett, David Bohm and Idries Shah. Articles on asceticism, the symbolism of the Bible, resurrection, Schrodinger's Gun, a short story by Andrew Phillip Smith. Extensive book reviews, original art and more.