Motivation Pocketbook
Understanding the concept of motivation is an invaluable management tool for helping individuals at all levels of employment produce their best work. This book integrates and synthesizes the complex subject of motivation into a compact, concise and very readable form. The pocketbook examines the many different theories of motivation, drawing out the key points and offering management tips for each one. A useful problem-identifier points the way to the best theories to use in particular situations. For example, when people complain a lot the author recommends the 'ERG Theory', and when they lack direction he puts forward the 'Goal Theory'. There is also a review of the different character and personality types and what they are most likely to find motivational. In conclusion, the book lists nine basic rules of motivation, ten ways in which to keep yourself motivated and 100 ways in which to say 'well done'. To coin one of these expressions, 'sheer class' Max.