The Dolce Vita Diaries: Stories and Recipes from an Italian Olive Grove
Set in the middle of a European nowhere untouched by modernity, this account follows two former television producers as they set out to become olive farmers with only their one-year-old daughter and an Italian dictionary in tow. From pruning an olive tree so that a sparrow can pass through its branches to singing with an Italian accent and learning when one is allowed to consume a cappuccino, this biography illustrates how this family negotiated a steep cultural learning curve. Their culinary adventures are related as they head off many a potentially tricky situation by cooking their way out of ita sure route to the heart of any Italian. As they discover the competitive world of olive farming, this narrative witnesses the birth of their Adopt-an-Olive-Tree” scheme, which proved successful beyond any and all expectations. Meeting every challenge with fortitude and humor, this book’s subjects also face the quiet of the countryside, finding themselves hankering for the sounds of the city and wondering what they should do next.