THERE WAS A TIME BEFORE time, when the Blackman knew everything that there was to know. He was in tune with the Forces of Nature - his Ancestors, the spirits of the Black Gods; he was in tune with the Universe; and, he was thus in tune with his Creator, - the Aum-nipotent, the Aum-niscient, and the Aum-nipresent. He has since forgotten that his DNA holds the knowledge of All things; he has forgotten that the knowledge of the Universe is stored within his genetic makeup; and, he has forgotten his intimate connection with the Mentality of his Creator. It is time for him to remember; the time is Now; and he must reconnect with the Universal Mind of the Creator, for this is the ultimate Rapture. This book, the most compelling thus far of the works of Paul Simons, gives us a History of the Ancient Peoples, and the seven root-races of the Earth, in such detail and in a way that has never been written or narrated by anyone of modern times. He draws from the works of the most profound scholars and historians and skillfully interpolates these findings into a context that deligently spells out 'The Legacy of the Black Gods - In Time before time; Coming Forth From the Akashic Records. The work also gives us a history of the Evolution of Mankind from Ganawah, to the Lemurian, to the Atlantean and to the Aryan Epochs. The book is therefore designed to resurrect the Souls of the most ancient Peoples of the Earth - the Afrokhan