It's Not Over Till The Bag Lady Rings
Intended for cancer patients, survivors and those who care for people with cancer - healthcare professionals as well as friends and family - and those wanting an insight into this disease. This book enables the reader to get inside the mind of a cancer patient and discover what it feels like to have to cope with this disease. On the basis of comments left on the author's blog, this book should appeal to cancer patients, survivors and those who care for people with cancer - healthcare professionals as well as friends and family - and anyone else wanting an insight into this wretched disease. Cancer sufferers not only have to deal with big issues - like confronting their own mortality - they have to cope with the everyday as well - the effect on relationships, changes in diet, whether or not to replace the dishwasher - and in the case of bowel cancer, perhaps a colostomy or ileostomy - while all the time trying to remain positive. Based on the author's online diaries, this book will enable the reader to get inside the mind of a cancer patient and discover what it feels like to have to cope with this disease.