The Sheep Book for Smallholders
This promises to be the only book on sheep you will ever need! Packed full of detailed information, The Sheep Book for Smallholders covers every aspect of keeping sheep on a small scale. Beginning with a brief overview of the sheep industry, and the rise and fall of the artisan shepherd, the author has logically divided the book up into the shepherd's calendar, so that the sheep keeper knows what to expect with each season. All aspects of looking after the flock are covered, including selection, culling, nutrition, housing, lambing, grassland management, ailments and prevention. There are also sections on home slaughter and butcher, and, uniquely, processing the byproducts, including the fleece and keeping sheep for dairying. Unusually, the book also has a section on training sheepdogs. Supported by stunning photography and clear illustrations, as well as huge and useful appendices. This is a welcome addition to the smallholder's bookshelf, and is going to be a reference classic