The Quintessential Druid (Dungeons & Dragons d20 3.0 Fantasy Roleplaying)
The Quintessential Druid opens up with new variations of the basic Druid class, giving players the option to try their hand at characters such as the City Dweller, Oak Brother (who also has access to the Oakheart fighting style from Quintessential Fighter), the Rescued Soul, Wandering Druid and many more. The class is further expanded and fleshed out with the Prestige Druid - the Archdruid makes an appearance for high level play but there are plenty of others for players to try as they ascend in power The Tricks of the Trade chapter introduces new uses for the Wilderness Lore skill, how Druids may track each other, foraging, manufacturing equipment using nothing but the bounty of nature and speaking Ogham, the secret language of the Druids. The next chapter, The Life of a Druid, takes a look at the society of nature Druids will dwell within, giving a whole wealth of information on druidic orders and the circles they form. Trials are detailed so players may rise within their order and progress to the inner circles where they may become Archdruids or maybe even the Grand Druid. Ceremonies are covered as well, and Druids may find their powers boosted during Samhain, or its equivalent in your fantasy world. The Quintessential Druid ends with Sacred Groves, allowing high level druids to create and defend their own territory and gain many new powers while they are there. Conversely, rules are also given on how to destroy or pollute a Sacred Grove, as well as how to use Circle Magic by calling upon the inherent energies that exist in such places. This provides a new range of incredibly powerful spells such as Lightning Strike, Nature's Wrath, Nature's Avatar and Weather Mastery, all usually beyond the capabilities of even a Druid.