Ransomes and their Tractor Share Ploughs
The first book to classify, describe and show the wide range of ploughs produced by Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies is to be reprinted with minor amendments in May 2013. 'A requirement for every Ransomes library' (Old Glory magazine), Ransomes and their Tractor Share Ploughs is aimed squarely at tractor and ploughing enthusiasts. Providing a brief introduction to the company's history, author Tony Clare goes on to give an account of the ploughs which dominated the horse era of farming and were then adapted to be trailed behind tractors and mounted on them. The developments of tractor plough design are covered in detail, as are ploughs for special purposes, market-garden use and export. Also covered are Ford-Ransomes manufacturing as well as the rationalisations of the 1960s and the final links with Dowdeswells. Analyses of plough identification codes, the 'TS' classifications and a glossary complete a comprehensive and very usable book for the many people who value their Ransomes ploughs for matches and at work.