500 Of the Most Important Health Tips You'll Ever Need
Award-winning Sunday Times healch writer, Hazel Courteney, gives an A-Z guide to alternative treatments for over 300 common conditions. It includes numerous, simple but little known solutions to many problems plus a host of rational, proven hints and ideas to improve your health on a day-to-day basis, for example: * Eating garlic and onion improves circulation and maintains healthy cholesterol levels * The simplest way to improve energy levels is to take a course of ginseng for 30-60 days. * Chick peas and other pulses help regulate hormone levels and are particularly beneficial for PMS and menopausal symptoms. Easy to use, this book is like having your own doctor at hand, with help and advice on both women's and men's health issues, diabetes, cancer, ageing, arthritis, heart conditions, allergies, stress and sleeplessness and a host of other common complaints.