My First Mrcp Book
You can't pass the MRCP without knowing a good deal of medicine. But, there are two main problems with learning medicine: there is a vast amount to learn and much of it is terribly dull. Most texts designed to help aspiring students adhere to this philosophy of dullness. THIS BOOK IS DIFFERENT! Every piece of educational theory available has been applied to make the learning experience as easy as possible: there are charts and tables, pictures and puzzles, limericks and poems, and even word searches - all complemented by a clear text. The authors are well trained in medicine. They are also old hands at the MRCP - in some cases, enjoying it so much that they had several goes at it! The results of their hard work? This book - the first structured course in not just what to learn, but how to learn it. Assuming only basic medical knowledge, it allows you to >start at the beginning and go to the end' and, in the process, develop a core knowledge and, more importantly, a technique to apply. Try it first. You might just like it!