True Devotion to Mary
Product Description Eddie Doherty's modern adaptation of this popular classic by St. Louis de Montfort shows how to live more closely in conformance with the teachings of Jesus Christ through the emulation of his mother, Mary.In True Devotion to Mary, Saint Louis provides meditations and excercises which can bring you a life lived more closely in conformance with the teachings of Jesus Christ, through the emulation of the perfect virtues and example of his mother, Mary.In explaining the wonderful spiritual benefits which True Devotion to Jesus through Mary can bring about in a person s life, St. Louis makes it clear that this little-known devotion provides the hidden key to both sanctity and salvation in our times.When a book continues to be a best-seller two hundred and fifty years after the author s death, we may safely say that it is a classic in its own field. Such is Saint Louis de Montfort s True Devotion to Mary. Translated into more than thirty languages, with editions running into the several hundreds, this book of high authority and unction, as Pope Benedict XV described it, has found its way into the hearts and lives of countless Christians since its providential discovery in 1842 including Pope John Paul II, who said that reading this book was to be a turning point in my life... it is an integral part of my interior life and of my spiritual theology. Written in French (probably about the year 1712), the book was first translated into English in 1862, by the scholarly poet and spiritual writer, Father Frederick William Faber. Over a century has now elapsed since that first English version, and in recent years there has been a growing demand on the part of many followers of St. Louis de Montfort that a broader translation be made one that would take into account our contemporary modes of expression. Hence, this new adaptation by popular contemporary writer Eddie Doherty (once billed as America s Star Reporter. ) May it contribute to a better understanding of Vatican II s beautiful exposition of Mary as model of the Church and mother of us all.Included in this new edition is a beautiful testimonial to the power of True Devotion the story of how Eddie and Catherine Doherty, the founders of the Madonna House Apostolate, first made their consecration to Jesus through Mary, and how the consecration changed their lives and the life of their apostolate. Review Reading this book was to be a turning point in my life... it is an integral part of my interior life and of my spiritual theology. --Pope John Paul II About the Author In his long career as an ace newspaper reporter and best-selling author, Eddie Doherty has touched the hearts of thousands with his gifted reporter s flair for words and his lively and irresistible writing style seasoned with wit and humour. A father who suffered the tragic deaths of two wives, Eddie grew determined to help others grasp how even this world s harshest sorrows can be resplendent with Christ s light. Having met Catherine de Hueck at her mission in Harlem, Eddie later married and co-founded the world-wide Madonna House Apostolate with her. In his later years, he was ordained a priest in the Melkite Catholic Church.