Healing Children's Attention & Behavior Disorders: Complementary Nuttritional & Psychological Treatments (Professional Edition)
Following upon the success of his previous books on clinical nutrition therapy for adults, Dr Abram Hoffer examines most chronic illnesses suffered by children, with special attention to learning and behavioral disorders, and based on over 2,000 case studies, discovers that dietary deficiency is the predominant cause. He recommends against pharmaceutical (ritalin, for example), psychotherapeutic, and surgical intervention in favor of the orthomolecular diet he developed many years ago in cooperation with Dr Linus Pauling.
Clinical nutrition therapy of physical and psychological illness and disorder uses a combination of optimum nutrition from common foods with vitamin and mineral supplements. The book features full accounts of these case studies, in which many parents will find their own children's illnesses diagnosed; a comprehensive guide to the nutrient value of common foods, which a parent can follow in developing an optimum diet; and a complete guide to vitamin and mineral supplements for children, with recommended dosages.