Make a Difference: A Guidebook for Person-Centred Direct Support
Make a Difference - Guides a Learning Journey that supports action-learning about relationship building, planning with people in a person-centered way, supporting choice, & building community inclusion. MAD - Promotes discovery of meaning in the work of offering direct support. MAD - Encourages inquiry into the effects of beliefs & values on quality. MAD - Promotes reflection on day-to-day practice to guide improvement. MAD - Fosters the use of imagery, music & art as an aid to reflection & action planning. MAD - Honors the accomplishments of people with developmental disabilities and their direct support workers by presenting their stories & reflections. An Instructor's manual & materials are available Make A Difference believes that direct support workers make a difference by building a relationship that supports a person with a developmental disability to act as a contributing citizen. MAD supports people to have more choice & control. MAD assists people to develop their gifts & capacities. MAD asks how we generate respect. MAD explores how we can increase people s presence in community life. MAD supports people to be friends & become members.