Appreciative Inquiry Handbook (Tools in Appreciative Inquiry, 1)
Book Description
The Appreciate Inquiry Handbook contains everything needed to launch any kind of AI initiative, from a one-hour introduction to AI to a complete two-day program. Cooperrider, Whitney, and Stavros provide background information on what AI is and how it works, and offer sample project plans, designs, agendas, course outlines, interview guidelines, participant worksheets, a complete slide presentation, a list of resources and more. From abstract principles underlying AI to actual tools used in different settings, from detailed descriptions of AI interventions to practical tips to Classic AI articles, the authors have amassed in one place, in workbook form, all of the introductory concepts, examples and aids necessary to engage yourself and others in Appreciative Inquiry.
• Offers a wealth of practical materials—project plans, interview guides, topic samples, case clippings, worksheets, and overhead transparencies.
• As an aid to presentation, most of the above materials are included on the accompanying CD—which also includes PowerPoint presentation slides and Classic articles.
• Authoritative: written by a co-founder of the Appreciative Inquiry change methodology, and two of its leading practitioners.