Decision Making and Problem Solving in Management : Tools &
Created as an introductory academic text on the subject of decision-making and problem solving in management, the book is also of real and practical value to those persons on the job in front-line and intermediate supervisory positions. Most of the tools discussed in this book require no computer or math skills above the high school level...which distinguishes the book from its competition. This book describes and advocates a "Back to Basics" approach to decision-making and problem solving which is appropriate for all but upper level managers in large organizations."
The following elements are employed in discussing each TOOL:
a.) Overview -- discusses where and when the tool should be used;
b.) Knowledge or Input Required -- what type of data must be collected, etc.;
c.) Results or Data Output -- how the data is displayed and reported;
d.) Step by Step Instructions;
e.) Examples --which help to illustrate the steps described.