Straight Talk About Spiritual Stuff
Are you more spiritual than religious? Ready to break free of embedded theology? Seeking deeper Truths for your Soul growth? Then you are ready for Straight Talk About Spiritual Stuff! Spiritual growth is not stunted by unanswered questions, but by unquestioned answers. It is time to question traditional religious views that perpetuate the myth of an anthropomorphic God in the sky who favors some and punishes others. In this inspiring and "out-of-the-box" thinking book, you will find "spiritual sound bytes" on topics from A to Z. Here's a small sampling of topics: Affirmations, Akashic Records, Bible, Cosmic Christ, Divine Order, Embedded Theology, Fear, Lack Consciousness, Multiverse, Neuro-theology, Prayer, Reincarnation, Sabbath, Tithing, Virgin Birth, Yoke, Zeal. And that is just a taste of the topics covered! Great inspiration for speakers as well as for personal study.