Crop Protection Handbook 2013: The Essential Desktop Reference for Plant Health Experts
The new 2013 Edition puts you on the cutting edge with answers to questions about efficacy and environmental effects. Also how the varied modes of action of the new technologies can overcome the expanding problem of insect, fungus and weed resistance to over- used chemistries.This Edition is a strong package with information to guide your thinking because it is the emerging technologies, put together in systems to offer a varied response, which are overcoming the weaknesses of present day practices.Inside The Handbook Be up to date on the wide and varied and exotic kinds of control agents available now in the category of biopesticides. Including pheromones, attractants and repellants, PGR"s and IGR's, plant extracts, predators and parasitoids, bacterium and fungus, entomopathogenic nemetodes.Resistance charts that indicate where resistance is developing and to which products.Track the newly emerging plant health/plant stress management products and their promise for control of insects, diseases and even weeds, as well as climatic factors like drouth.See the product names that are revolutionizing seed coatings, extending it beyond early season and including insects, as well as diseases.Keep up-to-date with transforming advances in chemigation products and practice.Get a handle on integrating Cry1Ab and other traits for PIPs (plant incorporated protectants) with crop protection chemistry.