Food and Feed Crops of the United States
For over 25 years, Food and Feed Crops of the United States has been an authoritative source in the pesticide field, both for the U.S. and internationally. This long-awaited Second Edition of Food and Feed Crops of the United States contains more than 500 pages of crop monographs which describe in detail the plant portions that are tested for pesticide residue, the exposure classification, and more. Also includes EPA testing guidelines, crop classifications, complete index (with common and scientific crop names), and more! That makes this new Second Edition a must-have publication for growers, consultants, manufacturers, food processors, USDA, other U.S. government agencies, researchers, students, and agricultural agencies around the world. The heart of Food and Feed Crops of the United States is the crop definition section, including 1000 scientific names and 5000 common names. Food and Feed Crops of the United States is a "must-have" reference for anyone involved in the research, recommendation, or regulation of crop protection products.