Bicycle Touring: The Complete Book on Touring by Bike
In this concise account, experienced touring cyclist Patricia Vance shares the lessons she learned over many years on how to plan, prepare for, and carry out a successful bicycle tour. Whether you're traveling light and staying in hotels or going off the beaten path complete with camping gear, Bicycle Touring will show you in detail how to handle each situation, all presented in a lively personal style of writing. Unlike other bicycle touring books on the market today, Bicycle Touring does not emphasize the mechanics of the bicycle; after all, there are plenty of good repair manuals available, if that's what you want. Instead, the book concentrates effectively on the things you really need to know to make every bicycle tour a success. It's really 20 years of touring experience condensed and clearly presented. This book is illustrated both with diagrams and black & white bicycle touring photographs and contains solid information as well as personal experiences.