It Only Takes 1% to Have a Competitive Edge in Sales
Life is not fair. Selling is not fair either. Look around and you will see that the salesperson with the best product doesn't always win the sale. It's because every salesperson out there claims to have the best service, the highest quality, and the best deal. As a result, customers are quick to commoditize these similiar-sounding claims of greatness, and they instead gravitate toward products, companies, and salespersons who can differentiate themselves in some way.
Fortunately, you don't need a huge advantage. Most sales are won or lost by very small margins. That means you simply need an edge--a differentiable advantage that will set you apart from everyone else. That's what you will find in this book--100 chapters, each designed to give salespeople a one-percent advantage over their competitors. After all, it only takes 1% to have a competitive edge in sales.