A Simple Choice : A Practical Guide for Saving Your Time, Money and Sanity
The number one complain of people today is the lack of meaning in their hectic lives. In her second book, A Simple Choice: a practical guide for saving your time, money and sanity, author Deborah Taylor-Hough addresses societal emptiness and the personal search for contentment. With an aim toward returning to emotional replenishment using clear, concise and uplifting examples, A Simple Choice not only examines the futility of keeping up with the Jones' but depicts the simply joy and fulfillment of keeping up with ourselves. Through practical help in the areas of home-keeping, family unity, saving money, spending plans, cooking and more, Deborah Taylor-Hough guides us down a simple life path. In an era of self-reflection, A Simple Choice holds the mirror of life's simple joys that are available to everyone.