Buffy Slayers Handbook *OP
Buffy: Wait. Handbook? What handbook? How come I don't have a handbook? Willow: Is there a T-shirt, too? 'Cause that would be cool . . . -2.10, What's My Line?, Part Two Just found out you're the Slayer, and feeling a bit overwhelmed? Never fear, it's all right here in Technicolor goodness: the dos, the don'ts, the whys, the wherefores, even a few what's whats. There's also some notes from the Slayers' diaries, just in case you don't hail from Sunnydale. Study up-it's your neck on the line (literally)! The Slayer's Handbook is a supplement for the Buffy the Vampire Slayer roleplaying game. In it, you will find: Background on being a Slayer, tales of the Slayers and advice for Directors on using Slayers in their games New character creation ideas, qualities and drawbacks, and more character archetypes Guidelines for alternative settings in a Slayer-oriented game, including different places, times and histories Three ready-to-play mini-settings for Slayers of all shapes and sizes A complete Episode continuing the plotline begun in the BTVS corebook