Martineztown, 1823-1950: Hispanics, Italians, Jesuits & Land Investors in New Town Albuquerque
For most modern day citizens of Albuquerque, Martineztown has always been a mysterious place. The histories of Albuquerque and large land grants that occupied the valley from Bernalillo to Isleta have long overshadowed the role of Martineztown in the development of the city. For nearly 100 years, from 1850-1950, Martineztown was at its zenith as a desireable place to invest. Historically, little is known about Martineztown, save for a few reports in which brief histories of Martineztown are covered in a few paragraphs. The present study adds new historical perspectives of Martineztown by emphasizing, not its rich cultural history, but land tenure patterns that emerged from 1850 to 1950. In the 1960s, Martineztown suffered through urban renewal and emerged as a checkerboarded area that is largely zoned as both commercial and residential. The history of land tenure in Martineztown follows a predictable pattern from 1850 to 1950. Today, Martineztown is a place where old stigmas have disappeared but have not been forgotten. It is a place that represents diversity, more than any other part of Albuquerque. It is a place with a historical past that must be remembered and celebrated. This book is for those who wish to know about the origins of Martineztown and its historic significance to the history and heritage of Albuquerque.