Sea Of Troubles, The Lost Ships of Point Sur
Maritime author and lighthouse aficionado JoAnn Semones has written a fascinating book to accompany her earlier works. In her third book, JoAnn's diligent research and love for her subject have brought her attention farther south, to the shipwrecks of Point Sur, just a few miles south of Monterey, California. According to Celtic legend, Thin Places are areas where two disparate worlds touch, such as land and sea. In these ethereal places the boundary between this world and the next seems almost non-existent. And so it is with the rugged coastline of Big Sur. Twisting and turning along steep, craggy cliffs, high above white-tipped waves, the region s raw beauty is both spectacular and inspiring. Most breathtaking is a gigantic dome-shaped rock which seemingly sits at the edge of the world. Known as Point Sur, the lofty monolith is surrounded by massive offshore boulders, dangerous reefs, and swift currents. Its troubled seas doomed many fine ships to destruction. Even a lighthouse, although nearly impossible to build, could not end further tragedy. The shipwrecks chronicled in these pages illuminate specific moments in time. They allow us to reach into another era, shedding light on who we were and who we have become. They are vivid symbols of our maritime heritage and of our timeless connection with the sea.