Summer Wine A Quilt by Jenny and Simon Haskins
Summer Wine - a quilt of extravagance, luxury and total decadence. The designs have been modified from those on our Bella Fiori design CD and then combined to make this gorgeous quilt. All are included on the Summer Wine design CD that is included with this book, proudly sponsored by Bernina and published by Quilters' Resource. The beauty of the Summer Wine designs is not only that they can be made into this glorious quilt, but that the individual sections of the quilt are equally beautiful made into pillows, pillow shams, table runners, wall-hangings and items of clothing - the list is endless (and so too are the number of possible color combinations; a selection of which are shown in the book). We have also used the designs as easy Embroidery Decoupage on furniture, mirrors, a foot warmer for the bed and matching pillow shams in delightful spring colors of pink and lime green. Summer Wine is a truly glorious quilt and book which is both instructional and inspirational as well as making a great coffee table book with beautiful melt into photography and luscious projects.