Paws & Tales
Set on Ocracoke Island, part of North Carolina's Outer Banks, Paws and Tales is an endearing story told in the words of Kali, a sailboat cat, and Harvey, an island dog. When Kali sails into the Ocracoke harbor with her person Sam, she senses that something unusual is about to happen. When a goofy but loveable Doberman pinscher called Harvey chases her off the edge of a dock, she finds herself adrift in an underworld of homeless cats, while Harvey and his person Emily ruefully regret the whole incident. What follows changes the lives of them all. Paws and Tales is sure to bring a smile to the face of anyone who enjoys dogs, cats, island life, sailing, mystery, romance, and homespun efforts to protect our planet. In spite of its whimsical nature, it has a strong message about living a simple, caring life, fighting for what one believes in, and not judging others simply because they are different (in this case, the dogs and cats).