Asking: A 59-Minute Guide to Everything Board Members, Volunteers and Staff Must Know to Secure the Gift
It ranks right up there with public speaking. Nearly all of us fear it. And yet it’s critical to our success. Asking for money. It makes even the stout-hearted quiver.
But now comes a book, Asking: A 59-Minute Guide to Everything Board Members, Staff and Volunteers Must Know to Secure the Gift. And short of a medical elixir, it’s the next best thing for emboldening you, your board members and volunteers to ask with skill, finesse … and powerful results.
Jerold Panas, who as a staff person, board member and volunteer has secured gifts ranging from $50 to $50 million, understands the art of asking perhaps better than anyone in America.
He has harnessed all of his knowledge and experience and produced what many are already calling a landmark book.
What Asking convincingly shows — and one reason staff will applaud the book and board members will devour it — is that it doesn’t take stellar communication skills to be an effective asker. Nearly everyone, regardless of their persuasive ability, can become an effective fundraiser if they follow Jerold Panas’ step-by-step guidelines.