Over Goal : What You Must Know to Excel at Fundraising Today
Fundraising has dramatically changed in recent years: far more causes are vying for attention; traditional techniques have been turned on end; campaign goals have ballooned; and, in light of highly publicized scandals, donors are increasingly skeptical today, demanding greater accountability.
To succeed in this challenging climate, a fresh approach to raising money is necessary -- one that blends skill, passion, and integrity into every step of the fundraising process, from clarifying an organization’s mission, to recruiting top leadership, to understanding the new motivations of donors, to identifying the right people to solicit, to evaluating final results.
Kay Sprinkel Grace’s book, Over Goal!, shows you, step by step, how to respond to, and prosper from, today’s unusual and sometimes conflicting demands.
Practical, provocative, and focused, Over Goal! travels quickly but deliberately through many aspects of the challenges nonprofit professionals face, offering solutions and ideas well-grounded in experience.
While the primary focus is on fund raising, the book honors the fundamental truth that without good governance, fund raising is next-to-impossible. The chapters on governance are as important as the chapters on fund raising. The two functions are inseparable.
Whether you are a seasoned or novice professional, Over Goal! shows you step by step how to meet and exceed your goals, increase your impact, and stay comfortably ahead of the waves of change.