Living with Multiple Sclerosis: A Wellness Approach, Second Edition
"The material presented in this book is adapted from the question and answer portion of a teleconference sponsored by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society on the topic "Taking Care: Options to Maximize Your Health." Over 8,000 people participated in the teleconference, from more than 450 sites across the United States, and the program received a national Health Information Award. The questions addressed in this book reflect the concerns of this widespread group of people with MS, as well as those of family members and friends.
No matter what new information is forthcoming about the causes and treatments of multiple sclerosis, successful living with this neurologic disease depends on you. Taking control of your life in order to maximize your health is essential for each of us, whether or not we have MS. This book suggests some avenues for optimizing your health through exercise, nutrition, and emotional health. Use it as a starting point for developing your own individualized wellness program.
In this book you will find answers to the most commonly asked questions about living with multiple sclerosis, including:
Causes and Course
- Why do remissions occur?
- What can trigger an exacerbation?
- How is the immune system related to MS?
- What wellness therapies are most likely to bring about a remission?
- Can exercise change the course of MS?
Symptom Management
- Are there specific exercises to help manage bladder problems?
- What strategies can I use to reduce overheating during exercise?
- What exercises can be done to decrease leg tremor?
- Can specific exercises help control pain?
- How can chronic pain be managed without drugs?
- What strategies can I use to improve my memory?
- Is hearing loss normal with MS?
- Is there evidence that smoking has a specific detrimental effect on MS?
- Why does an exacerbation often follow a bout of flu?
Wellness Management
- Is any particular type of exercise best for people with MS?
- Are weight-bearing exercises that do not raise core body temperature helpful?
- Can too much exercise bring on an exacerbation?
- Can someone in a wheelchair participate in aerobic exercise?
- Is it best to exercise every day?
- Can someone with MS improve strength through exercise?
- What type of diet is good for MS?
- What is the best way to lose weight?
- Have specific foods been implicated in worsening symptoms?
- Can vitamins and other nutritional supplements improve the well-being of a person with MS?
- Should someone with MS take antioxidants?
Emotional Health
- Should a person with MS avoid stress?
- What are some constructive ways of managing stress?
- How can people with MS maintain a positive attitude?
- What is the effect of MS on personality and emotions?
- What is being done to overcome the defects in myelin that occur in MS?
- What effect does chemotherapy have on MS?
- What is the length of time between the introduction of a new drug and its use in MS?
- Are there any treatments for MS directed at the immune system?
- What should I consider in deciding whether or not to use a newly developed drug?
Alternative Therapies
- Is acupuncture helpful for MS?
- Can chiropractic therapy help symptoms of MS?
- Can massage therapy alleviate pain?
- Can biofeedback help?
- What are the benefits of Tai Chi?
Health Care Team
- Who should be included on a health care team?
- How can I be sure I am receiving quality health care?
Social Aspects
- What advice do you have for family members dealing with MS?
- What resources are available to deal with sexual problems?
- What things should I consider in deciding to have a child?