Sing 'n Learn Vietnamese Book with Audio CD (English and Vietnamese Edition)
Introduce Vietnamese language and culture the fun and natural way! With 14 traditional and familiar melodies, children will enjoy learning basic vocabulary and pronunciation through popular themes such as numbers, family, animals, colors, and more. You can provide an important head start for children as learning another language has proven to stimulate greater mental development. Authentic black and white illustrations promote understanding of culture and enhance learning. Includes pronunciation guide, English-Vietnamese glossary, and instructional guides. Songs include:
1. Yellow Butterfly (Kia Con Buom Vang)
2. Welcoming Spring (Xuan Ca)
3. We Count Our Steps to School (Em Dem Buoc Den Truong)
4. Who Do you Love (Em Yeu Ai)
5. This is the Way We.. (Em Rua Cai Mat)
6. If You are Happy and You Know It... (Neu Ban Vui)
7. The Cat who Climbed the Betel Tree (Con Meo Cay Cau)
8. Mr Toad (Con Coc)
9. Our House (Cai Nha)
10. Mr. Cuoi (Chu Cuoi)
11. Moon Festival ( Ruoc Den Thang Tam)
12. I See Myself in the Mirror (Em Ngam Minh Trong Guong )
13. Come Together (Nao Ve Day)
14. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star (Ngoi Sao Be Ti)