Male Victims of Same-Sex Abuse: Addressing Their Sexual Response
Sexual victimization of boys and men remains a taboo subject, and resources for this neglected population and the professionals that work with them are difficult to find. This book aims at reducing the stigma and increasing the understanding of sexual trauma in men. Male Victims of Same-Sex Abuse includes a comprehensive assessment tool that brings focus to the treatment strategy. In addition, the tool provides a methodology for disclosure in a non-threatening manner. Who Will Benefit From Male Victims of Same Sex Abuse? Clinicians who need a comprehensive and collaborative rape trauma assessment tool Mental health practitioners who work with male victims of same sex abuse Trainers of trauma professionals Clinical instructors at colleges and universities Clinics, private practices, and public providers Rape trauma professionals Why is this book so important? Unfortunately, most university training programs still are not presenting useful information on these subjects. Even now, few workshops or staff development programs offer practical information on working with issues of male sexuality or sexual assault of males. In particular, little has been published about the sexual dynamics of male sexual victimization. Male Victims of Same Sex Abuse will be helpful to every clinician who works with male victims of sexual assault. Indeed, it will be helpful to all clinicians who work with male clients in any type of therapeutic setting (whether or not sexual victimization is the focus of the therapy). Both A. Nicholas Groth and John Preble are clinicians; together they bring 40 years of clinical experience in working with male victims and perpetrators of sexual assault in both community and institutional settings. In this manual, they offer a straightforward and reassuring framework that is pertinent for all therapists for understanding male sexuality and the dynamics of sexual assault.