Notes to Eli: A Pilgrim Hears the Call of God and Seeks to Be Faithful: Reflections of a Samuel Who Is Engaged in the Adventure of Pastoral Leadership
"Notes to Eli" are, as the author describes them, "reflections of a Samuel, still listening for the call of God." Olson’s message is that the church in the post-modern context must have a clear, focused agenda: God is central, the community gathered around the word and sacrament is fundamental, and worship needs to be participatory.
The notes in this book begin in November 2001. After April 2002, Olson writes under the diagnosis of multiple myeloma. Even though his personal situation changed dramatically after that date, his focus remained on being a pastor in a post-modern world.
The further you delve into the "Notes," the more deeply you will experience Olson’s wisdom and the more you will be captured by his vision for evangelical leadership. The notes ended in October 2002.