The Hvac/R Professional's Field Guide to Alternative Refrigerants
The HVAC/R Professional's Field Guide to Alternative Refrigerants This 1,000 page plus unique field guide discusses both the procedures and problems contractors and service technicians face when retrofitting a system with an alternative refrigerant. Renowned author Richard Jazwin sorts through the confusion and misinformation regarding the alternative refrigerants and provides the facts every service technicians must know to successfully perform service.
Alternative Refrigerants is divided into two parts. Part One details the new alternative from creation to retrofit, and provides needed information on blends / mixtures, oils, retrofit, safety, and much more. Part Two contains information on alternative refrigerants from the manufactures Copeland Corporation, Dupont Fluoroporducts, ICI Klea, Elf Autochem NA, and Honeywell (Allied Signal Gentron).