The World's Shortest Stories
"The World's Shortest Stories" is doubtless one of the most unusual (and I'd bet enjoyable) audio collections you will ever hear. Spawned by a writing contest for which the only criterion was that each submission be exactly 55 words long, just about every one of the mini-tales here is a polished gem of fiction. Read brilliantly by Frank Muller, Suzanne Toren, and Kathy Garver, the murder stories are sneaky and vicious; the horror, horrendous and appalling; the suspense, gripping; the love -- ah, the love -- poignant and breathlessly erotic. Listening to such short stories is somehow giddily exciting and strangely hilarious. It's also totally addictive. Hey, you think, they only take a minute, why not one more? Then an hour later you miss your train.
Winner of Publishers Weekly's 'Listen Up' Award: Best "Short Stories"