Decision Time: A Guide to Career Enhancement
Stop Looking For A Job! It’s The Best Way to Find Work. Question: What is the worst way to find career direction? Answer: The classifieds. How did you get started in your present career? You probably answered a "Help Wanted" ad or secured a job by happenstance, then settled for the position you were offered. And even though it wasn’t quite what you were hoping for, hey—it paid the bills, right? WRONG, according to one of America’s leading career development experts, former USA Today columnist, and global business consultant-turned-author Dr. Michael Shahnasarian. His book, "DECISION TIME: A Guide to Career Enhancement" argues that "settling" is the last thing you should do. Commissioned by the National Career Development Association, the world’s leading organization of professional career counselors, this brilliant guide shares insider secrets to help you identify opportunities and realize career goals. Why waste one-third of your life being unhappy? Start making the right career decisions today. It’s DECISION TIME!