Smart-Money Moves for Kids
When it comes to money, every parent needs a game plan. Dr. Judith Briles' Smart Money Moves for Kids is designed for teaching kids from 3 to young adult about the value and use of money. It is laid out in 5 parts: The Game Book for Parent; Kids--From Preschoolers to Preteens; The Teen Years; The Adult Rises; and The Internet. Packed with games, quizzes, the stock market, collecting, buying cars, even planning a wedding, the author makes the money maze easier. It covers ALL aspects of money management including allowances, saving, spending, developing the entrepreneurial spirit, getting a job, using credit, leaving the nest and much, much more. Smart Money Moves for Kids is an excellent, and very readable, resource for all parents (and grandparents!) who want their kids to have money savvy.