California's Geographic Names: A Gazetteer of Historic and Modern Names of the State

California's Geographic Names: A Gazetteer of Historic and Modern Names of the State image




Author(s): Durham, David L.
Released: Jan 01, 1814
Publisher: Word Dancer Pr
Format: Hardcover, 1676 pages
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Review ...not just an excellent reference book...a tour de force that should be acquired by every college, university and major public library in the U.S. and by most California libraries of whatever size. It's scope and depth and accuracy will be a tremendous help to students, writers, historians, cartographers or anyone interested in California geography. -- Richard H. Dillon, Professor of History, Fromm Institute, University of San FranciscoI am impressed! California's Geographic Names is the new standard. -- blurb submitted to our offices from Robert J. Chandler, Wells Fargo HistorianThe quantity and value of the information included in this work are simply staggering...a boon to historians, genealogists and outdoor folk of all kinds. -- Robert C. Berlo, Secretary of the California Map SocietyThis epic gazetteer of more than 50,000 place names is...a supremely useful reference tool...One could literally write the history of California, from first human habitation to the present, with only these names as sources. -- Dr. Kevin Starr, State Librarian of CaliforniaThis gazetteer is a wonderful tribute to our fine state...the information found here will greatly benefit this and future generations of Californians. -- Pete Wilson, Governor of California

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