The Best Little Town in Florida: Palm Beach Shores, Florida
The history of Palm Beach Shores is a relatively short, yet colorful, one. Just a few decades after Paris Singer, son of Singer Sewing Machine inventor, Isaac Singer, discovered and began developing what is now known as Singer Island in the 1920s, A.O. Edwards founded the town of Palm Beach Shores. But no personality was more colorful and dynamic that John D. MacArthur, the man responsible for the town's landmark Colonnades Hotel.Their stories and the stories of many others - both good guys and bad guys - tell the history of Palm Beach Shores, Singer Island, and the Peanut Islands and how they all came to be what they are today.Long-time Shores resident and mayor of the town he loves, Tom Mills has captured the heart and soul - the very spirit- of the town and its islands in his historical look at......The Best Little Town in Florida.