Anthology of Poetry by Young Americans: 1994 Edition, Volume CXXIV
Five years after the first edition of "Anthology of Poetry by Young Americans" was published, the editors are convinced that children are natural poets. Poetry is play with language, and language is still so new to them that it is a perfect fit. This poetry is filled with their ticklish energy and unrestrained concern. It is the best medium for young writers to express themselves. When they don't know the word for the thought or feeling they are trying to express, they simply make one up. You won't find "multiquizically" in any dictionary, but its meaning is clear. The poems are presented as the author wrote them, in their format and punctuation. Misspelled words have been corrected of course, unless they add something to the poem, such as "purrfect" when describing a cat. This is 1994 Edition, Volume CXXIV.