Ka Mo`olelo `o Hi`iakaikapoliopele (Hawaiian Edition)
This ancient saga details the quest of Pele's younger sister, Hi'iakaikapoliopele, to find the handsome Lohi'auipo and bring him back to their crater home. Graced with a magical skirt and wielding supernatural powers, Hi'iaka and her companions make their way through dangers and ordeals, facing spectral foes and worldly wiles. It is a very human account of love and lust, jealousy and justice, peopled with deities, demons, chiefs and commoners. It highlights Hi'iaka's role as a healer, source of inspiration, and icon of the hula traditions that embody the chants and dances of Pele and Hi'iaka. This is the most extensive form of the story every documented, offering a wealth of detail and insights about social and religious practices, poetry and hula, the healing arts, and many other Hawaiian customs. This magnificent work is a volume presented exclusively in the Hawaiian language. Little personal information is available on the historical Hawaiian writer, Ho'oulumahiehie, but he was a prolific teller of traditional and foreign stories whose works were frequently published in the late 19th and early 20th century newspapers. This tale was originally published as a six-day-per-week serial column in the Hawaiian-language daily Ka Na`i Aupuni in 1905 and 1906.