The M14-Type Rifles: A Shooter's and Collector's Guide, 2nd Edition
The M14 was the last large caliber rifle adopted by the U.S. military. It was derived from, and replaced the M1 Garand of World War II and Korean War fame. It in turn was replaced by the 5.56 mm M16 in the early stages of the War in Vietnam. Although the M14 lasted less then 10 years as the military service rifle, its effect was overwhelming in civilian and military match target shooting for thirty year, especially at ranges exceeding 600 yards, and in the development of military and paramilitary sniper rifles.
The M14-Type Rifles presents both the military and civilian side of this fine rifle along with a complete run-down on non-military clones of the M1A variety. The M14 was built for the U.S. military at the Springfield National Armory, at Winchester Repeating Firearms, Harrington and Richardson and TRW. Civilian versions have been built by a host of companies including Springfield, Inc., Armscorp and others. Very fine receivers for building do-it-yourself match target rifles have been manufactured by, among others, Entr‚prise Arms, Smith, Armscorp and DPS. Topics covered include a complete examination of parts and means of identification by manufacturer, the development, manufacture and use of the M14, the development of the M21 and M25 sniper rifles and their telescopic sights and mounts which are covered in a separate chapter, and the National Match M14 and M1A target rifles.
The book provides a history of the development of the civilian version of the M14 and the civilian version, the M1A,by its various manufacturers, including those in both Chinas. A chapter is given over to accurizing the M1A rifle for "do-it-yourselfers and for custom rifle smiths and the U.S. Army's National Match Specifications and building techniques are listed. Ammunition selection and preparation for match shooting and shooting techniques and positions are detailed. The book is heavily illustrated with photographs and line drawings. Also included are a list of manufacturers, parts and accessory suppliers and custom rifle smiths capable of building less than 1 minute of angle rifles.
In the preparation of this book, manufacturer's of both of complete M1A rifles and of M1A receivers were reviewed and their products tested. Three M14-type rifles were then built by well- known custom rifle smiths. The complete procedures are laid out along with tips and cautions so that the reader so inclined can build his or her own service or target M14-type rifle for competition or target shooting.