9-11 Terror in America
September 11, 2001. The television images of flame and destruction at the World Trade Center looked like a Hollywood disaster movie. But the thousands who died were not actors. They were flesh and blood. And the heroes who died and lived were not actors, but real heroes. What the TV news cameras, kept back from the horror, could not show you were the many stories that only the escaping victims and rescue workers could tell. Many of their stories are now in your hands, in his book.
Several rescue workers and one of the last men to come out of the north tower alive let us see through their eyes and feel through their hearts what they experienced that tragic day.
· Bill Bresnahan, a retired SWAT team member, with other rescue workers dug for survivors, cried, and prayed together. He also shares many of his personal snapshots taken at Ground Zero long before the media were allowed in.
· Other policemen share their dramatic stories and pictures of what it was like to be at history's deadliest foreign attack on American soil. Through their eyes and ears, we get to see this tragedy in a way the television news was unable to provide.
· George Sleigh watched the airliner crash into the floors just above his 91st floor office. He was the last person known to escape from so close to where the plane hit the north tower.
· There are very personal stories of grief, pain, and the horror of seeing friends and colleagues crushed by the collapsing buildings. Shell-shocked rescue workers then had to recover quickly so they could go about the work of rescuing survivors.
9-11 Terror in America is a historic record of the first-hand experiences of people who were there when it all happened. Their stories were selected not because they are unique or special, but because they were typical and represent the experiences of so many others.