The Transforming Power of Spiritual Desire
Are you hungry for God? Do you long to be all that He has called you to be and do all that He’s called you to do? Such desire can determine not only your present circumstances but also your future.
It dictates your effectiveness in prayer, your intensity in worship, and the depth of your personal relationship with God.
If your spiritual desire has waned, then it is God who has placed this book in your hands. Inside you will find stories of those who have allowed their desire—a boiling, passionate zeal—to take them up, over and around obstacles and help them achieve seemingly impossible tasks. People like Caleb, Jacob, Nehemiah, and even a blind man named Bartimaeus.
Ask God to set your heart on fire with His will and purpose for your life. But don’t stop there. Ask Him to show you how to stoke that spiritual desire until it becomes an all-consuming flame. Once that has happened, you will taste and see that the Lord is good, and you will find that nothing is impossible for you.