100 Great Things about Texas
Here is a delightful gift book for the Texans, former Texans, even non-Texans on your list. It's not a travel guide and not exactly a Texas brags book. Rather, it's a celebration of 100 subtle and not-so-subtle, serious and not-so-serious things that make Texas the special place that it is.
This entertaining and inexpensive little book consists of one thought per page, such as:
-When you tell someone from another state or country that you're from Texas, it invariably causes a reaction. Sometimes positive.
-We don't talk funny. Everybody else does.
-If Texas isn't the biggest or best in whatever field or activity, we can sure make it sound like it is.
-You can tell a place that serves great chicken fried steaks by the number of pickups parked outside.
-Texas was once an independent nation, and most of the time we act like it still is. -Statistically, we are an urban state. In spirit, we aren't.
-If you run out of anything else to talk about, there's always the weather.
Compiled by State House Press Managing Editor Glenn Dromgoole, 100 Great Things about Texas is intended as an impulse buy or stocking stuffer at book stores, gift shops, and souvenir outlets.